00,04. The product is not licensed. You have %d days left.
00,05. The font name too big.
00,06. The skin '%s' is loaded
00,07. Can't load the skin '%s'.
00,08. LanTalk.NET - New messages: %d
00,09. The trial period is over. Please go to our website http://www.cezeo.com/ to purchase licenses.
00,10. Can't create the folder '%s'.
00,11. Please choose the folder:
00,12. Operation with file '%s' has failed, because: %s
00,13. Errors while copying '%s' to '%s' , because: %s
00,14. This version of the Contact List is not supported any longer
00,15. Size: %s
00,16. New message
00,17. Damaged message index removed from the database
00,20. Can't change the current folder with messages.
00,21. Please select at least one recipient.
00,22. Can't add the file '%s' into the attachment, because it can not be read.
00,23. The name already exists! Please try another.
00,24. Can't create the message to send.
00,25. Can't create the thread to send.
00,26. The message for: %s
00,27. Can't open the file with messages.
00,28. The message is not sent.
00,29. There are problems delivering this message.
00,2A. Can't save the message.
; Questions
01,00. Are you sure that you want to close the LanTalk.NET?
01,01. Are you sure that you want to delete the: '%s'?
01,02. Can't save the user settings. Try again?
01,03. The message will be deleted permanently (you won't be able to restore it). Are you sure want to delete the message?
; Windows shared data
02,00. OK
02,01. Cancel
02,02. Help
02,03. Close
02,04. Hide
; Main window
03,00. Folder:
03,01. From:
03,02. Received:
03,03. Status:
03,04. New
03,05. Reply
03,06. Fast
03,A0. Edit
03,A1. Undo
03,A2. Sent:
03,FF. LanTalk.NET
;Compose window
04,00. Send
04,FF. Message Editor
05,00. Progress of the message sending
05,01. Recepients
05,FF. Sending the message
;Attachment action
06,00. Please choose :
06,01. Open attachment ( execute )
06,02. Save the file(s) to the disk
06,FF. Attachment action
;Contact editor
07,00. Name :
07,01. Computer :
07,02. Workgroup :
07,03. IP :
07,04. ID Number:
07,05. E-mail :
07,06. Note :
07,07. Temporary contact
07,08. Notify when information is changed
07,09. Force status checking
07,0A. Read only contact
07,FF. Contact Editor
;Settings dialog
0A,00. Interface settings
0A,01. Show grid in the lists
0A,02. Start in minimized window
0A,03. Ask for confirmation before exit
0A,04. Start at Windows StartUp
0A,05. Show program in the system tray only
0A,06. Flat buttons on the toolbar
0A,07. Default font for the messages
0A,08. Interface language
0A,09. Interface skin
0A,0A. Time format for the information panel
0A,0B. New normal priority message sound
0A,0C. New high priority message sound
0A,0D. New low priority message sound
0A,0E. New normal priority message popup
0A,0F. New high priority message popup
0A,10. New low priority message popup
0A,20. The data in the information panel
0A,21. Name
0A,22. IP address
0A,23. Computer name
0A,24. Workgroup name
0A,25. ID number
0A,26. E-mail address
0A,27. Received time
0A,28. Sent time
0A,40. Contact list settings
0A,41. Allow messages only from Contact List
0A,42. Do not register new contacts automatically
0A,43. Contacts are temporary by default
0A,44. Send your status every (sec)
0A,45. Request status from contact list (sec)
0A,46. Set the contact offline after failed requests
0A,60. User Information
0A,61. User name
0A,62. Workgroup
0A,63. E-mail
0A,64. User data folder
0A,80. Network settings
0A,81. Message port (TCP/IP)
0A,82. Contact list port (UDP)
0A,83. Maximum connections
0A,84. Maximum threads
0A,85. Default timeout of the connection ( sec )
0A,86. Maximum text size in the message ( without attachments )
0A,87. Maximum attachment size in the message
0A,88. Maximum size of the whole message
0A,89. Close the server gracefully (recommended)
0A,FF. Options for LanTalk.NET
;About dialog
40,00. LanTalk.NET
40,01. Corporate website:
40,02. Product page:
40,03. Support:
40,04. Please click here to purchase LanTalk.NET
40,05. Warning: This product is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.